Healthy people do not mean just to be free of physical illness, you know. Mental health also determines the health of a whole human being. Come on, know more about how to maintain mental health.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a complete physical, mental and social condition and not just the absence of disease or weakness. The definition of health confirms that mental health is noteworthy.
Get to know your mental health
Mental health is fundamental to human ability to think, develop, express, interact, make a living, and enjoy life. This is the reason why you need to recognize and maintain your mental health.
In addition, WHO also explained that a mentally healthy person is able to realize his ability, handle stress in daily life, work productively, and can contribute to his surroundings. If you cannot do these things, there is a possibility that your mental health may be impaired.
There are many things that can affect one's mental health, including a history of mental disorders in the family, life experiences, daily lifestyle, history of illness, and the burden of the mind. This explains that mental health is influenced by social, psychological, and biological factors.
A history of violence, both physical and verbal, and socioeconomic demands are things that often trigger mental disorders.
Sexual harassment, domestic violence, stressful workplaces, family economic burdens, high social standards, gender discrimination, social stigma, and unhealthy lifestyles, are some examples of things related to poor mental health of a person.
The following are signs when a person has a risk of mental health disorders:
1. Demonstrate personality changes
This happens when you no longer feel like yourself, or when other people see you acting like other people who are completely different.
2. Experiencing anxiety, anger, and mood swings
Actually this condition is natural and common to many people, but you should be aware if you continue to experience it for no apparent reason.
3. Withdrawing or alienating yourself from the social environment
If you suddenly become introverted or spend too much time alone without social interaction, you need to be vigilant. Because this can indicate an emotional problem in you that risks disrupting mental health.
4. Doing dangerous things and losing the ability to take care of themselves
Generally, people who have mental health problems cannot afford to pay attention to themselves. For example, so do not care about appearance, do not want to clean themselves or take a shower, do not want to eat or even eat excessively, getting drunk, racing, using drugs, even attempting suicide.
5. Feeling hopeless or overwhelmed in everyday life
You also need to be aware of mental health disorders if you experience loss of motivation in carrying out daily activities. Especially if this condition is accompanied by a sense of hopelessness or vanity.
If you, your friends, family, or relatives experience the signs above, immediately do something to handle it, do not let it drag on.
How to Maintain and Improve Mental Health
There are several ways that can be done to maintain and improve mental health, including:
1. Manage stress
Stress is difficult to avoid, but it can be overcome. There are ways you can manage stress that you can do, like walking outdoors, exercising, meditating, exchanging ideas with friends, or writing a diary. These things can help your mind to calm down and see life more clearly.
2. Set realistic goals
Set your goals realistically, both personal and professional goals. If necessary, pour in the form of writing or vision board. Understanding what your life goals are will make you more focused in determining how to achieve those goals. Complete with a description of the target time, as well as a list of things that you have successfully achieved.
3. Gather with people who support you
People who have healthy social relationships are shown to experience fewer health problems and can live longer. Spending time hanging out with close friends or family can help you unwind. You can joke, vent emotions, or share stories and experiences so you can get advice and support from them.
4. Help others
Besides being beneficial to others, doing volunteerism can make you feel better and more useful in life. This will prevent you from being lonely and useless. You become more introspective, easy to be grateful, and not easily complain or despair.
5. Do new things
Monotonous routine can make you stress easily. Try to do new things, like changing house paint, learning a new language, updating your appearance, or just changing your commuting route. Doing new things can refresh your mind, even make you more enthusiastic in going through the day.
6. Caring for body health
Mental health is certainly very dependent on how you take care of yourself. Make sure you eat a variety of healthy foods, rest and drink enough water, exercise, and avoid bad habits, such as smoking or drinking. And remember, not only lack of sleep, excess sleep hours are also not good for mental health.
If your condition does not improve in the ways above, you can ask for help from a psychologist or psychiatrist. With the help of these professionals, your problems can be identified and dealt with, so that your mental health can recover.
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